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Well Care Center

We all konow that prevention is better than cure but to bring that principle to our own life is difficult due to variaous reasons. The life style diseases like hypettension, dhyper cholesterolemia ,diabetes mellitus will be the most common cause of poor health by our late 50s and 60s. Some people would be affected by the same much earlier. Hence the regular monitoring and primary prevention (prevention before the disease happening) is all the more important. This is an investment for our future health. Here at doctorslink we keep this principle in mind and plan your proper preventive care. This involves the routine check ups and reminders for you for at a timely manner.

A healthy life style is also promoted. Your family history is also impotanat as these life style disorders are mainly inherited with lots of environmental influence. If your dad or mom had diabetes and you continue an unhealthy life style you are mostly going to get diabets or hypertension at an earlier age. Join our wellness program and lead a healthy life style.

Do you have any of the life style disease?- Diabetes/ Hypertension/ Dyslipidemia/ Kidney disease/ gout/obesity.

How frequently to to do regular blood tests Diabetes do monthly FBS PPBS/ 3 monthly HBA1C, Monthly urine routine /3 monthly choletserol. If you are more than 5 yrs diabetic do eye check and urine for proteinuria. If you have high Blood pressure check your kidney function electolytes urne routinr and ECG Echo to identify the effects and cause of high blood presuure. High cholesterol – are you takng already medication then you have to do liver functon tests once in 3 months and fasting lipiid profilr oncr in 3 months. Hypothyroidism – meet an endocrinilogist on line to know about and to get proper treatment of hypothyroidism. Acive life style is by a healthy diet. Need a help from a dietician please put your message.

Ae you feeling tired and having muscle aches- talk to our rhematologist. Obesity and life style disease prevention Obesity is preventable to a large extent eventhough the hereditory component plays a major role. Most important is the strict diet adherence and minimum sustainable exrcise . Going for heavy work out should be sustainable not short lived. What are the small steps to reduce obesity- If your schedule permits one hour walk every day that is graet, if you have no dedicated time make small steps just like not using lift and trying to walk through out your dya in the interves of work or during work. Small steps will burn callories and can help to reduce weight. Psychological wellness. In the modern way of life we get stressed with variable factors ,but these factors shall not interfere with the normal performance or routine life. We have to keep our work life balance and mental calm during various stressors of life. Her at doctorslink we will help you tackle stress and anxiety by vareity of solutions.This include couselling by psychologist via online and meditation advices. Do you feel depression or anxity?